osteogenesis imperfecta: dispoussr!


The report on work of site Nostiog


For two years and five months in the Internet there is site Nostiog. This site unites people with imperfect osteogenesis who live in Russia. As I have applied many efforts for maintenance of fruitful work of the given site, I think of the duty to give the below-mentioned report. I hope, you will be interested in the results of our teamwork.

25 people decided to register the visiting on the site. About 10 people have remained, figuratively speaking, in a shadow, but with pleasure read materials of the site.

15 articles were collected from bowels of the Internet about people with imperfect osteogenesis. Including, Anton Borissov  lodging in  the USA, who gave his kind consent to the publication of pages of his autobiographical book which had not issued yet that time.

One young woman required an own computer to have constant access in the Internet and to find good work. People incorporated Nostiog helped her in it. We hope that in the future she will not leave us.

Site Nostiog organized two types of dialogue which were waited by our visitors: the Chat and the Forum. Unfortunately, this opportunity operatively to exchange the opinion was taken by a very poor amount of people  For today the Chat is closed.

Site Nostiog offered the visitors to participate in the project of the European organization of invalids with imperfect osteogenesis on a tourist exchange of people. As far as I know, only one person wanted to respond to such unique opportunity to break borders between people and countries.

Articles about last discoveries in treatmentof imperfect osteogenesis are also accessible to visitors of site Nostiog. Addresses of the Russian medical institutions in which treat people with this disease also are published.

Unfortunately, as a result of uneasy mutual relation between the Manager (the founder of a site) and its visitors, there was heavy atmosphere which has resulted in crisis in work Nostiog. There is hope, that fruitful work all the same will be continued. And we very much consider on your help, dear visitor of site Nostiog! Only on you depends, whether site Nostiog will still live or this project should be closed.

  We wish you happiness, feeling of confidence in tomorrow and good luck!

                                Translate Svetlana K.





The page is edited last time January, 25, 2007.

Project Nostiog





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